Ihe mkpuchi aluminom hyperbolic
Ihe mkpuchi aluminom Hyperbolic nwere mmetụta ngosipụta dị mma, ọ nwere ike ịmepụta ụlọ ahaziri onwe ya, yana enwere ike ịhazi ya ma hazie ya dị ka ihe dị iche iche ndị ahịa chọrọ iji gboo ihe owuwu ahaziri ahaziri nke onye na-ewu ụlọ. The okpukpu abụọ curvature aluminum veneer adopts esịtidem Ọdịdị waterproof na akara ọgwụgwọ, otú iji hụ na ya magburu onwe waterproof arụmọrụ ka ukwuu. Enwere ike iji ya n'elu hyperbolic aluminum veneer fesa agba dị iche iche nke agba iji welie mmetụta a na-ahụ anya. Mmepụta nke mkpuchi aluminom hyperbolic siri ike karị, na ihe ndị a chọrọ maka izi ezi nke igwe na ọrụ chọrọ nke ndị ọrụ nka dị oke elu, ya mere mkpuchi aluminom hyperbolic nwere ọdịnaya teknụzụ siri ike. -
Art chere ihu aluminom plastic efere
Art chere ihu aluminom-plastic panel nwere njirimara nke ịdị arọ dị arọ, plasticity siri ike, ụdị agba dị iche iche, njirimara anụ ahụ pụtara ìhè, nguzogide ihu igwe, mmezi dị mfe na ihe ndị ọzọ. The ịrịba osisi n'elu arụmọrụ na ọgaranya agba nhọrọ nwere ike na-akwado ndị na-emepụta' kere mkpa ruo n'ókè kasị, nke mere na ha nwere ike mejuputa onwe ha kediegwu echiche n'ụzọ kasị mma. -
Antibacterial na antistatic aluminum plastic efere
Ihe mgbochi nje na antistatic aluminom Plastic efere bụ nke aluminom plastic efere pụrụ iche. Ihe mkpuchi mgbochi static dị n'elu na-ejikọta mma, mgbochi nje na nchebe gburugburu ebe obibi, nke nwere ike igbochi uzuzu, unyi na nje bacteria, ma dozie nsogbu dị iche iche nke ọkụ eletrik na-akpata. Ọ dabara maka ihe ịchọ mma nke nyocha sayensị na ngalaba mmepụta dịka ọgwụ, elektrọnik, nri na ihe ịchọ mma.